Saturday June 1st Sausages with Russ Flint of Rain Shadow Meats


Russ Flint is the owner and butcher of Rain Shadow Meats on Capitol Hill. It is an exceptional butcher shop and one of the first of its kind, opening in 2010. Prior to his opening his own shop, Russ worked as the chef of the Boat Street Cafe and as a meat cutter for Whole Foods. For nearly fifteen years Russ has created fabulous sausages at Rain Shadow. I am excited that he has agreed to come to the farm to share his expertise in making sausages.

Russ will present a variety of sausages including Italian style, French Toulouse and a breakfast sausage. He will also take us through the preparation and process of preparing a Thai style sausage from Little Uncle restaurant. The class will begin with a lamb crepinette made with caul fat.

The class will focus on the processes necessary to make sausages including sanitation, grinding of the meats, seasoning, filling the casings and the eventual cooking. For lunch we will nosh on the Toulouse sausages with white beans and Italian sausages with peppers.

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